
What is ‘A Healthy Dose’ of Self Care?

Often life just takes over. You may be working on your career or your degree. You may be building your family, your marriage or investing in your children. You may be devoted to a high calling and a purpose set before you that you pursue with passion or you may be plodding through life trying to find the meaning and clinging to existing just another day. Often life just takes over.

The phrase within the quotation marks of the above question is the key to finding a balanced life.

Too much self care and one can become self-consumed and selfish. Feeding the narcissistic hunger within you can damage the things that you truly do hold dear. Yet the far side of the spectrum is also true. Too little self care can leave you wanting, exhausted and perhaps bitter or resentful because you’ve done more on the scale for others and neglected to fill the well again before drawing out.

A Healthy Dose of Self Care is just enough.

Learning the balance, to avoid being either self-consumed or developing habitual self-avoidance, is one of the biggest balancing acts this life brings to us. We’re here to help you be up to the task.

We’re here to assist with Helping You Find Your Balanced Life!